Things have been strange around here lately.
I'm happy at work but it's not a real job, so I need to work on that.
I enjoyed my workout that I created for myself and thought it was really helping my inability to lose weight, but I cannot continue to get up at 6:15am and then work double shifts.
I decided I'm not going to my graduation ceremony because we don't walk, and that's retarded.
I'm reading all of the Narnia books at once and I'm in the middle of
The Silver Chair, which if you didn't know is the second to last book. The baller thing about those is that they're only 100 pages each, so reading seven of them is cake. That's like, one Harry Potter book. Am I 21 and reading/re-reading children's books? You betcha...
So I was planning on going to medical school.
I know, right?
Turns out it was a noble idea but I really only wanted to go back to school to avoid studying for the LSAT. Basically I'm a loser. But Law School is still the main goal here.
I figure it's the only thing that I can not only succeed in, but also it will allow me to live like I want to live. Which right now is "Not Paycheck to Paycheck." Permanent desk job? Possibly, but there are so many opportunities that I can seize by spending those three years in hell, so I'm going for it.