21 October 2008


I cannot get over how much I love the Fug Girls.
Thank God the website is blocked at work*. If it weren't, I'd undoubtedly be laughing aloud all day at my desk. Which, aside from proving I wasn't checking the work of brilliant engineers, would disrupt others from doing so.
Check it out.
*Actually, I don't know if it's blocked. I only assume that it is because every other website I've tried to look at has been.

I'm excited about House and Fringe tonight. I did miss last week's Fringe, but I didn't see, like, the first three episodes and then saw the fourth or whatever and I still followed it okay. I'm so glad that House and Wilson are back together. If I had to spend even one more episode with them not even talking, I might have quit the show. I'm serious. Quit. QUIT. It's not like I don't have a bunch of other stuff to watch now either. Having a set work schedule frees up so much time to sit around and watch TV, it's insane.

Since I used to work nights and didn't have DVR and was too lazy to catch up to everything online (plus before that I was at school and didn't have a TV in my room that got channels), I only watched 24 and House. Which was fine, because 24 was only on after January, and that's only Monday and Tuesday, freeing up, well, all my time. But now. Now that I not only have DVR but am home by like, 4:30 pm everyday? Boy howdy, I'm like a TV crack head.

Monday for now is just Heroes but will soon have 24 to keep it company (after the 2 hour event in November - HOLLER!).
Tuesday is House and Fringe.
Wednesday equals Pushing Daisies and Private Practice.
It gets tricky on Thursday because all the shows are on at once. Supernatural and Grey's are both at 9 but I watch one live and tape the other so I'm set, then It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is at 10 and 11.

Sadly I no longer get HBO or Showtime so I won't be able to watch Weeds, entourage or True Blood live, but I'm pretty sure I'll get over it. They don't need the ratings that the network shows need since they're premium cable or whatever and they're all set. And why the hell didn't I have a DVR before? IT'S AWESOME.

Also, when I set up my cable and high speed internet, I asked to make sure that it was wireless compatible because then I wouldn't have to worry about what room the modem was in...negative. They ignored me and didn't do it, so now I have to wait or something until they figure it out. Which is cool, because my TV keeps making this dumb noise constantly and they should probably fix that too. Bitches.

My third book for the Cannonball Read is Cold Mountain, but every time I try to read it I fall asleep. I already don't like that there's no direct dialogue, it's all an outsider point of view, and I'm only 50 pages in. I've never been one to abandon a literary challenge, but this is going to prove tricky. I had to put down Hugh Laurie's book over the summer because it was just so...wordy. I understand a want for the mood and crap like that, but God damn. It's like adjective and metaphor overload. They might be similies, but I can't think of an example off the top of my head. Either way, it's hard to barrel through.

This was awfully ranty. I'm going to go get ready for House.

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